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2 posts tagged with "leadership"

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The Art of Getting Things Done Right: Why Supervision Beats Hope Every Time

· 4 min read

Picture this: You drop off your favorite leather shoes at the cobbler. They're well-worn but beloved, and you're hoping to extend their life. The cobbler nods confidently and says, "Come back in three days." You leave, feeling optimistic.

Three days later, you return to find the stitching is different from what you expected, the color of the new heel doesn't quite match, and there's still a small tear that wasn't addressed. Sound familiar?

This isn't just about shoes. It's a universal experience that teaches us a crucial lesson: Hope is not a strategy.

“The Testament of a Furniture dealer” - IKEAs Timeless Handbook on Values and The Visionary Legacy of Ingvar Kamprad

· 9 min read

Ingvar Kamprad with chair

"Only while sleeping one makes no mistakes. Making mistakes is the privilege of the active — of those who can correct their mistakes and put them right."
– Ingvar Kamprad (1926-2018)

Six years after his passing on January 27th, 2018, Ingvar Kamprad's vision and values continue to steer IKEA. His 1976 testament and 1996 dictionary laid out principles that fuelled IKEA's growth from a small business to a global furniture icon. As we mark the anniversary of Kamprad's death, his wisdom on leadership, serving people, embracing humility, and simplicity remains as relevant as ever. These documents were not fixed manifestos, but living guides that still motivate and inspire. By revisiting Kamprad's own words, we reconnect with the human core of IKEA's brand - the deeper purpose beyond products and profits. Though Kamprad is no longer with us, his voice carries on.